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Walk the Pathways to Freedom:
Discover African American History in the United States
Atlanta, Georgia and Birmingham, Alabama, USA 
September 21 to October 2, 2014
Dear Friends, 
Join us in two cities where the courage of nonviolent protestors changed the course of history, for the US and for the world.
在這兩個城市加入我們, 在這裡非暴力抗議者的勇氣, 改變了美國及世界歷史的進程.
Start by joining the FF of Greater Atlanta in the birthplace of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The downtown Ebenezer Baptist Church, where he preached his messages of love and nonviolence, is an important place of pilgrimage for anyone who wants to reflect on the civil rights movement. Atlanta is also the final resting place of Dr. King and the home of the contemporary King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, which continues to make great strides for equality today. All of these elements make Atlanta the ideal place to begin your exploration of the remarkable story of African Americans’ struggle for equal treatment in society and under the law. Your home hosts in FF Greater Atlanta are eager to share these special places and stories with you.

從加入亞特蘭大市區的FFI, 馬丁路德 金恩博士的出生地開始, 在鬧區的Ebenezer Baptist教堂, 他宣揚了愛與非暴力的信息, 對任何一個想要反省公民權運動的人來說, 這是一個朝聖的重要地方. 亞特蘭大也是金恩博士最後安息的地方, 這更是當代金恩中心紀錄非暴力社會變革的起點, 它繼續為今日的平權創造偉大的進展. 所有那些元素使得亞特蘭大成為你開始探索非裔美國人, 在法律之下爭取社會上公平對待而奮鬥的卓越故事之理想地方.你在亞特蘭大市區的FFI 接待家庭, 渴望能分享給你這些特別的景點和故事.

Traveling then to Birmingham, you will travel the routes used by those who strove to end segregation in the 1960s. Visit important sites in the movement such as 16th Street Baptist Church, where four young black girls died in a racially-motivated bombing. We’ll also visit the Edmund Pettus Bridge where the 54-mile walk began as a peaceful protest for voting rights, despite repeated police brutality. Fifty years after the nonviolent movement began in Alabama and Georgia, your Friendship Force hosts look forward to exploring with you the amazing hope and courage of these historic communities.
然後行至伯明罕, 你將走在那些在1960年努力終結種族隔離者所走過的路線上, 參訪這個運動重要的景點, 像是第16街Baptist教堂, 此處有4位黑人女孩死於一場有種族歧視的爆炸, 我們也將參訪Edmund Pettus橋, 一段為爭取投票權而和平抗爭的54公里腳程, 抗議再三的警察暴力. 在  阿拉巴馬和喬治亞 非暴力運動的50年後, 你的 FFI 接待家庭期待能與你一起探索這令人驚奇的希望和這些歷史性社群的勇氣.


Explore the impact of the civil rights movement on African Americans, the nation of the United States, and the world.

探索公民權運動對非裔美國人, 美國的國家和世界的影響.

Discover the life contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by visiting his childhood home and the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change.

藉由參訪其童年家園和非暴力社會變革的金恩中心, 發現馬丁路德 金恩博士的生命奉獻.

Discuss the lasting impressions of the Civil Rights Movement on these cities with your local hosts in two clubs.


Explore the sites of important moments in the Civil Rights movement in Birmingham, Montgomery and Selma: 16th Street Baptist Church, Edmund Pettus Bridge and the place where Rosa Parks refused to give up her public bus seat.
探索在伯明罕, Montgomery和 Selma兩地, 公民運動中重要時刻的景點, 有第16街Baptist 教堂, Edmund Pettus 橋和Rosa Parks拒絕放棄她的公車座位之地方.
Our two clubs include some of these elements in our regular exchanges, but for the first time, we want to invite you to explore in depth the history of the Civil Rights Movement and how important it is to the identity of our cities even today.

我們這兩城包括了一些我們一般交換的元素, 但這卻是第一次, 我們想要邀請你探索公民權運動的歷史深度, 以及即使在今日對於我們的城市認同, 它是何等之重要.

Don't miss this excellent opportunity to learn more about a time that made huge strides towards furthering friendship in the United States!

不要錯過這個學習更多關於這個時代的絕佳機會, 在美國它創造了邁向更長遠友誼的巨大進展.

There are 20 spaces available. The cost is $850 USD, which includes FFI & host fees and program activities.

有20個名額, 費用是850美金, 包含 FFI 家庭接待費和行程活動費.

If you're interested, please send an ambassador application to Kristin Harrison at kharrison@thefriendshipforce.org.

如果你有興趣, 請寄 親善大使申請書 給Kristin Harrison  至kharrison@thefriendshipforce.org.

We hope to see you in September!


Wilma Kirchofer, Exchange Director, FF Greater Atlanta
Vicki Smith, Exchange Director, FF Birmingham
  • 譯者:Sharon Yie
127 Peachtree Street Suite 501 | Atlanta, GA 30303 US
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